Vision and Mission
To contribute to sustainable development of the Local Community, the Republic of Indonesia and the World through our copper smelting and refining business.
To realize safe, healthy and environmentally friendly process in the plant in order to deliver the highest quality of copper cathode and by-products to our customers stably.
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PT Smelting strives to produce world’s best quality of copper cathodes and its by-products to be reputable company with reliable and sustainable performance, through the implementation of various management systems integrated as one such as occupational safety and health, environmental, quality, halal product insurance and security with commitment to:
- Implement SCQDE (Safety-Compliance-Quality-Delivery-Earning) values in every activity.
- To produce copper cathode and by-products by putting safety and health to prevent accidents and ill health as first priority as well as considering environmental impact with focusing on quality fulfilment required by our customers and production efficiency.
- To make efforts to eliminate potential hazards including root cause analysis against accident regrettably happened and to reduce safety and health risks as well as preventing damage to facilities and infrastructures through hazard identification, risk analysis, control monitor mechanism to realize a safe and healthy working environment.
- To comply with regulations and requirements related to our business in the regional, national and international level.
- To conduct environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, along with preventing environmental pollution to contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement based on environmental aspect impact assessment carried out through a Life Cycle Assessment study.
- To conduct various efforts in managing, improving and protecting the environment consistently through emissions reduction for both conventional and greenhouse gases, as contribution to prevent global warming, and reduction of wastewater pollutant load, reduction and utilization of hazardous and nonhazardous waste in accordance with the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) including the effort to manage the waste of product packaging as part of extended producer responsibility (EPR), and to protect and to conserve biodiversity.
- To implement green industry principles in company operation to support an effort for the efficiency of production process, energy, water and the use of other resources.
- To develop and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) toward stakeholders based on our principle of corporate governance.
- To make efforts to socialize the hazards of HIV/AIDS in the workplace to prevent the spread of the disease.
- To conduct prevention, deterrence and countermeasure towards every imminent security threat and disturbance as well as enforcement of applicable law and company internal regulation by implementation of security management system.
- To provide halal sulphuric acid product by implementation of halal assurance system.
- To communicate all implemented management systems to the workers and to involve workers including worker’s representatives at all levels to the improvement of the system.
- To make continual improvement to improve occupational safety and health performance, to become a more socially and environmentally conscious company and to achieve more customer satisfaction through innovation and improvement proposals (kaizen) culture, provision of resources and improving quality of human resource by providing education and training continuously.